Admission Form for NAWA Scholarship Holders

Registration for the course at International Centre of Education Cracow University of Technology

Registration of NAWA candidates begins in August after the candidate receives a decision from NAWA on the grant of scholarship for the preparatory course. To submit an application, please use the Admission Form for NAWA Scholarship Holders.

After sending the form, information about its correct completion appears.

You will receive information on further steps within a few days, to the e-mail address
provided in the Form. It is an important document, helpful in applying for a visa and crossing the border.

If you are unable to submit your application online, please contact our Secretariat.

Please note: We offer places in dormitories belonging to the Cracow University of Technology. They are conveniently located about 150 meters from ICE.CUT. The rooms are single, double, and triple combined into studios consisting of 2 rooms with a shared bathroom. A big and well-equipped kitchen is on each floor.

If you need a dormitory, please select the appropriate option in the Admission Form.

Reservation of the dormitory is valid for the entire academic year. Any changes must be communicated by written request to the email address:

Go to the Admission Form for NAWA Scholarship Holders.

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